Together for Equality

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Role in ICT- Get Involved!

Although ICT is a means by which to assist in the global effort to eradicate poverty, there are many things that as an individual I can do. As a citizen with limited resources and reach, I can utilize the resources that are available to me. For instance, I can volunteer my time at organizations that do have the ability to impact change globally. There are many secondary education schools that offer the chance for students to take a part in the effort. Ways to reach out and help have been outlined on the UN website. Below I have shared the list as comprised on the UNwebsite. The links are active so the programs content can be viewed in further detail.

Millennium Campaign

Join the growing global movement of people who are demanding that their government honor their commitments to achieve the MDGs by 2015. Rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, your voice counts.

Stand Up Against Poverty

Join millions worldwide as they Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals. Last year, over 43 million people stood up to demand that world leaders keep their promises to end poverty and inequality . This year, help us break that record and send an even louder message to our governments.

UN Works

Are you or your community helping change the world for the better? Are you trying to do something about poverty, climate change, child labour or other issues? Have you benefited from the UN's work? Inspire others and share your experience. E-mail your story in 500 words or less and it may be featured on the UN Works site -- an innovative multimedia platform that puts a human face on the work of the UN by exploring global issues through the personal stories of people and their communities.

Global Call for Action against Poverty

The Global Call for Action against Poverty is a growing alliance of community groups, women’s and youth organizations, faith groups, trade unions, NGOs and other campaigners working together across more than 100 national platforms, calling for action from the world’s leaders to meet their promises to end poverty and inequality.

Civil Society Action

Since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration, civil society organizations have strived to contribute and influence the discourse relating to the Millennium Development Goals. Whether critical or optimistic, it is evident that the engagement of civil society organizations has served to enrich the dialogue and debates surrounding the Millennium Development Goals.

Millennium Promise

There are a number of ways you can get involved with Millennium Promise, from educational outreach to donating to the You+Village campaign. You can also see what others are doing for more ideas.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Role of ICT in Building Sustainable Development

The role of ICT in building sustainable development is one that is needed and paramount in order to reach the goals of the Millennium Development Group. ICT is necessary to bring technology to places where it does not exist and once implemented, it can be utilized to teach and educate. The definition of sustainable development is "The reduction of hunger and poverty in environmentally sound ways. It includes the meeting of basic needs, expanding economic opportunities, protecting and improving the environment and promoting pluralism and democratic participation". With the resources and the pivotal role that ICT will play, people can be taught how to manage the resources around them. They can learn how to reduce poverty by efficient manufacturing of food products. This will have a two-fold effect; creating jobs and reducing hunger.

ICT will also play a role in providing the technology that is detrimental to healthcare. The result of ICT in this role will be seen in improved and efficient quality care in medicine within developing countries. It will help to provide access to information for those in the healthcare industry who in turn will be able to assist in caring for the general public. Methods for using ICT that will result in improved care are record-keeping and dissemination of crucial information. The main idea is to be able to share knowledge in treatment and preventive practice. When these principles are applied consistently, there will be a noticeable increase in the overall population life span.